You can cut and paste your own useless 25 facts about yourself if you so wish.... if not..... then enjoy mine at least
1. It is 3:48am in the morning.. something is making a lot of noise in my basement.. thus I cannot sleep out of fear that if I go check out what is actually making all that noise I will be attacked by something… reminds me of when I was a kid and I thought wolves were under my bed… so I’m left writing the following.
2. I still love licking the bowl after baking chocolate chip cookies.. although, I never really make chocolate chip cookies, so that joy is lost.
3. I crave Chianti Ruffino.
4. I am obsessed with Animal Planet.. if no one stops me, I could watch that channel all day long and not be bored. Animal Police is probably one of my favourite shows.. that and the Dog Whisperer. Cesar Milan is my idol.
2. I still love licking the bowl after baking chocolate chip cookies.. although, I never really make chocolate chip cookies, so that joy is lost.
3. I crave Chianti Ruffino.
4. I am obsessed with Animal Planet.. if no one stops me, I could watch that channel all day long and not be bored. Animal Police is probably one of my favourite shows.. that and the Dog Whisperer. Cesar Milan is my idol.
5. Naps are the shit. I love me a good nap.. and I’m not talking some 15 minute “power snooze” which does absolutely nothing for me.. I’m talking a good one hour nap.
6. Keeping on the nap theme.. I love day dreaming.. I love having the time in the morning to sit there and ponder about whatever. Or having the ability to slip in to that state of mind during the day.. like say.. during a really boring class
7. If I didn’t have my fiance I would be that crazy lady down the street with a lot of cats.. and that is okay with me.
8. I hate losing to my fiance.. he even beats me at scrabble. I beat him one time at squash.. it was a glorious feeling and I was basking in my win for a few days. (sorry!)
9. I always think I love romantic gestures and I love love romantic movies/novels.. but then when someone says or does something textbook “romantic” it makes me feel extremely awkward/nervous and I usually say something to screw it up and make the person feel awkward/nervous. Maybe that’s why I proposed.
10. Sean Connery is probably the sexiest old toot out there. On that note I want to use the saying “old toot” and “what in the sam-huey” more.
11. I am on the fence about the whole God thing. More leaning to the “I don’t think he/she exists”side. I do however think there is something bigger out there.. or maybe its just because I hope that when I die, I do not lay in a box for a bijillion years. I want to either go wherever everyone else goes, come back as a dolphin or be a ghost.. whatever.. just not the box. If God does exist, I hope she is Alanis Morisette.
12. I have a secret obsession with perezhilton.. I think he’s hilarious.. some of the stuff, not so much, but for the most part.. “quite comical” as my grandma says.
13. It really pisses me off when people say “oh, they only got second place.” I salute anybody who has ever gotten a second place.. bravo.. huge accomplishment.
14. I can type 115 words per minute.. something I am very proud of. Once I was in the top ten of the day on facebook. Me and Lu Chan, Suzy Wu and 8 other Chinese people.
15. The first song I learned all the words to was No Rain by Blind Melon.. thanks to my Uncle Ed
16. If I eat a pie.. I have to eat it in sections. I love eating the top layer first, the middle layer (pumpkin, apple, raspberry.. whatever) and then I love eating the bottom last. It tastes so good to me.
17. The epidural scares me more than labour. That needle is huge!!
18. I sometimes wonder how different my life would have been if I had not gone over to work in the middle east... not that it would be better... just different.
19. My dying wish is for John Williams to do a score of music for a week of my life so that I could walk around with a soundtrack playing in the background.
20. The first time I ever got drunk was the summer before going in to grade nine with Katie at Little Lake Park in
21. I have stolen a pumpkin from a pumpkin field.
22. I’m okay with the fact that I’m never going to be one of those women who are good at arts and crafty type things, baking etc.
23. If I ever do get married I want the first song we dance to, to be In Your Veins by Soundtrack of Our Lives.
24. The only time I have been knocked out by something is when I was playing pitcher’s helper in baseball when I was a kid and some punk hit a line drive straight in to my forehead. I woke up in a lawn chair several minutes later with the words “spalding” engraved on my forehead. I miss baseball…
25. The noise in my basement is still going.. but I’m too tired to care anymore. I’ll just go to bed and hope there isn’t any monsters in my closet.
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